Avidemux crop
Avidemux crop

Since the new height is 20 pixels less than the original it will crop 10 pixels at top and bottom. Here the new height after cropping is 700 pixels and the upper left corner of the cropped image is placed at x=0 and y=10 on the original frame. You want to crop 10 pixels from top and bottom but leave the width uncropped: X and y is the coordinate of the upper left corner of the cropping rectangle where x=0 corresponds to left edge of original frame and y=0 the top edge of the original frame. Width and height is the dimesions of the cropped image after cropping. Is the post from the ffmpeg thread I used. (Hopefully, the OP in that thread is better at grasping the manual than i am) At any rate, the example I used looks as if it's just taking 10 pixels, and the person who answered the person asking the question just told them to look at the manual for more details. I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but I suspect it's pretty obvious. (If anyone is kind enough to look at the man page for me, just search for in_w on the page and the crop section begins above it.) I understand that by using in_w and/or in_h with no arguments, one just uses the original width or eight, but I'm not sure how the h-10 takes 20 pixels off the bottom. The man page refers to taking equal amounts off top and bottom. I'm not sure how one designates top and bottom with the new syntax. However, I'm confused as to why it works. Now, one uses -vf crop= and some syntax that I am not getting. Say I wanted to take 20 pixels off the bottom, it used to be -cropbottom 20. You can experiment with any other filters here.I'm having trouble understanding the new version of ffmpeg cropping syntax. In the Video Filter Manager that opens, right-click then Add or double-click on the crop filter. Next, in the Output format, I clicked on MP4 Muxer, then click on Video in the top menu. I wanted to keep it on C opy to keep the same basic codecs and format, but if you do, you cannot use the video filters.

avidemux crop

The first setting I changed was clicking on the options in the Video Output section. Then open a video using the File option or drag and drop.

avidemux crop

So I came across another solution that seems a little more promising.

avidemux crop

Online services have limits and then having to upload and download the videos to/from the sites can be cumbersome. I wrote about an online service and you can read it at How To Crop A Video Online. By the way, the video used in my example here is not my uncle’s. My uncle asked me to crop some videos for him.

Avidemux crop